Friday, May 26, 2006

Bags and hula hoops

Here is Maya mastering her hula hoop skills...she can even walk sideways and turn a circle whilst doing the hula...all with hair getting in her face too! Ready to join the circus now! Actually Maya has come up with her own detailed agenda for her future. She plans to own and run a cat and dog shelter complete with a birthing room, vet's space, library ( stocking books she has written and illustrated on cats), cafe ( with her artwork on display), cat and dog playrooms, adoption room and outdoor area with cat inspired plants! She has already done a floor plan and made up applications for her 7 potential employees...a slot was offered to Sage but he thinks he prefers snakes! These plans occupied a good bit of our time today!
Yesterday we did our first letterboxing event. For those who don't know about this it involves getting a set of clues and a hike of varying difficulty to locate a hidden box containing a stamp and journal. When you find the box you use your personal stamp to make an entry into the journal and also document your findings in your own journal with the stamp found in the box..did that make sense?! The kids loved it and practically ran the whole dragging of feet on this hike! If we get into it there are plenty more letterboxes out there to be found...mostly in America but there are some worldwide! Can't imagine there's too many in Shetland hobby Dad and Mum? Of course anyone can hide a letterbox and leave the clues online for others.

I also wanted to share my little project which is the very beginning stages of a wee knitting business I've got going. These are some felted bags I've been making and selling! They are made from 100% wool from the Shetland Islands. My label is Shetland Trader ( formerly the name of a knitting business belonging to my parents back in the 70's). The image I'm using as you can see is a mermaid sporting a fairisle jumper....done by my aunt Maggie Reigler....the image is supposed to infact be me! As I said the operation is very tiny just now but I have notions of expansion but may need to invest in a knitting machine for faster production......wait and see!

1 comment:

James McLauchlan Johnston said...

Maya, I have another business idea for you to add to your current projects. Please fit me in when you have the time from your busy schedule.

But I was wondering if maybe you would be able to draw pictures for some stories Helen has written. She wrote one very funny story (which I think Sage especially would like) about where the noise of farts comes from.

Should you be interested, please drop us an email.

Jamie&Helen - Jamelen