Saturday, August 05, 2006

A New Addition

Well as you can see we have another wee kitten in the household. This one is staying...he's called Dolphin. Sadly we lost our boy cat a couple of weeks ago........he went out one evening and never returned. Needless to say we are all missing him terribly...however we thought as we are about to go to Colorado for 9 months, where girl cat will be an indoor cat on her own, that we should probably get a kitten now as opposed to next summer when it could be harder for girl cat to accept a new pet.....that was the logic. Things are going fairly well with Dolphin, although being a VERY energetic little thing, girl cat is not quite ready for his enthusiasm and tends to find places to go where he can't get....he hasn't figured out the cat flap into the basement yet so that's her usual escape route! Anyway the kids are happy even though Sage complains about the kitten always stealing his toys!
So we are starting to get packed up for the move...only a little over 3 weeks to go.....a bit daunting, getting things packed up and ready in the house that is......but we are all getting pretty excited to be going west for a while. Jamie you'll be pleased to hear we finally went down the ipod route and got one with a huge memory so we can jam pack it with not only music but audiobooks for our four day to have such a sleek new toy!

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