Friday, February 09, 2007


So for those of you who don't know about Capoeira (pronounced Cah-Pah-Way-Dah) here is a brief description. Capoeira is a blend of martial art, gymnastics, dance, music, singing, portuguese language and culture. It came out of the slave culture in Brazil and breakdancing is said to have been inspired by Capoeria movements. One 'plays' capoeira.

Maya and Sage started taking classes about 5 months ago and absolutley love it love it love it!! ( a direct qoute from Sage). Compared to the other martial arts they've tried this one seems a lot more fun and less like a martial art in terms of the HI-Yah kick action factor!

So the photos here are from a special Capoeira event held twice a year where students recieve their new cord (belt) after being tested in class. Its an opportunity for mestres (masters) and other teachers or graduated students to come toegther and 'play' capoeira. In order to receive your cord you have to go into a roda (pronounced hoda) with a mestre or teacher and demonstate what you know by playing capoeira with them. The littlest kids were the first to go and of course looked very cute with the grown ups ( who slowed down their movements).

Maya and Sage warming up!
The roda with students, mestres and teachers.......playing traditional instruments and singing in a call and answer fashion.
Sage getting his new cord.......unfortunately I have no pictures of him in action due to bodies standing in the way!

Maya in the roda showing off Pointe Pe Cruzado ( not too sure about spelling of that one).

Maya getting her cord!

Have to say David and I were extremely proud of the kids for getting up in front of so many people (200+)...don't know if I could have done it! This last shot (not a very good one )gives a snippet of the more advanced stuff that goes on (note guy on head on the left). Infact there was a whole demonstation from the mestres and teachers of all the very cool contortions they could do. I did get it all on video but don't know how to put video clips on the blog......Jamie? Gerry? Anyone know?

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