Friday, July 21, 2006

Camera Practice

Here are some shots Maya took whilst taking a mini digital photography class...some pretty funny expressions that I thought were worth sharing with you all! I also realised that there are no photos of me on the incase you've all forgotten this is what I look like!

So we did just take a trip to Maine but I didn't take a single picture!!!! It was lovely.......beachcombing at lowtide (which resulted in partially eaten crabs being left in our car during 90 degree can imagine the smell)...bodysurfing by the kids, some lobster eating and lots of divebombing into the motel pool...Maya has finally conquered putting her head underwater as a result of all the jumping in.
David was busy, busy, busy with the residency he was there to teach but we got to hang out with him and the students for some of the time.
Back home now and starting to gear up for our move....getting the shower fixed, the chimney swept, the piano tuned etc.....still feels a little unreal that we are actually leaving in a month. Mostly the kids and I are hanging out doing summer things....swimming often twice a day, bike riding, horse riding ( I may even be riding myself tomorrow) spending time with friends...It's hard to get up the motivation to pack up the house!

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